Sunday, November 19, 2017

Semiosalong - sügis 2017 #1: Kristi Mumm

21. novembril ühineb meiega Kristi Mumm. Ta on elava hinge ja huvitava jutuga Tartu Forseliuse kooli õppejuht ja õpetaja ning Tartu Ülikooli doktorant. Ta jagab enda arusaamu ja kogemusi haridusest, õppimisest ja õpetamisest. Me saame seega huvitava vaate haridusellu, mis ja kuidas on teda õpetajateel kujundanud ning kokkuvõttes miskit, mille üle ka pärast jutu lõppu arutleda ja mõtiskleda. (Kristi Mumm UT vilistlaselu lehel:

2017 a. sügissemestri Semiosalong pakub esmalt huvitavat vaadet õpetamisele ja haridusele ning teiseks tegeleb ka hariduse küsimusega semiootikute jaoks ning semiootika kui haridusega – semiootika õpetamine ülikoolis ning ka väljaspool seda.

Kas me mitte kõik ei õpeta, ennast ja teisi, terve oma elu vältel? Keda ja kuidas peaks haridus ja õpetamine aitama ja „ravima“? Õpetamine ja haridus ei jäta mõjutamata ühtegi inimest, ühiskonda ega ka teadusvaldkonda. Seekordne Semiosalong läheneb haridusele nii laiemalt, Kristi Mummi eestvedamisel, kui ka semiootikakesksemalt (5. detsembri aruteluga semiootikast ja õpetamisest). Laiemas mõttes on õpetamine ja haridus laiad ning kõiki puudutavad teemad. Me püüame esmalt teada, mida haridus ja õpetamine erinevate inimeste jaoks tähendavad? Kuidas on nad õpetamise poolt mõjutatud. Samas on ka iga teadusvaldkond õpetamisest nii otseselt kui kaudselt sõltuv ning erandiks pole ka semiootika. Eelneval kahel semiootika maailmakongressil on olnud eraldi haridussemiootika paneel. Peale hariduse ja õpetamise üldiselt ning haridussemiootika on Semiosalongis arutlusel ka semiootika kui haridus. Sel semestril ilmub esimene eestikeelne semiootika õpik. Lisaks jätkub semiootika e-kursuste arendamine. Semiootika keskselt küsime näiteks – mis tingib ühtse lähenemise puudumise semiootika õpetamisel? Mis rolli omab semiootika õpetamine Eestis ja ka laiemalt? Kas semiootika õpe saaks, võiks ja peaks olema eestlaste seas populaarsem? Kas me suudame kerkivatele probleemidele lahendusi pakkuda? Semiosalong pakub seekord haaravaid seminare koos õpetamisel lähemal seisvate inimestega. Arutledes haridusest ning õpetamisest nii üldiselt kui ka seemiootikakeskselt.

Semiosalongi üritused on tasuta ning sel korral eesti keeles

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Spring Semiosalong Session 4

Session 4: Andreas Ventsel & Mari-Liis Madisson: Affective Communication and Semiotic Mechanisms of Misinformation

Tuesday, April 18

Terms like fake news and alternative facts come from a state of paralysis in the flood of information. The proliferation of conflicting messages, the accelerated news cycle, and technologies of image and video manipulation marginalize verifiability as a criterion of truth. But even in a post-truth world we persist in the belief in our own ability to hear through the static what is really going on. When contradiction interrupts our daily broadcast we reject its sources, ignore its particulars, or troll the sender. In the process we legitimize the polarization of discourse. We do so tongue in cheek, or with fingers crossed behind our back, as if to absolve ourselves from the price. It is easier to dip back into a familiar echo chamber than to recognize the other. Can we extricate ourselves from the self-gratifying feedback loop? Where can semiotics enter into the discussion of the post-truth world?

NB! All remaining sessions for this series will be held at Genialistide Klubi

Poster design by Mehmet Emir Uslu

Monday, March 27, 2017

Spring Semiosalong Series: Semiotics in a Post-Truth World

Wednesday April 5th @ Genialistide Klubi

Session 3: Mehmet Emir Uslu: Against the Fetishism of the Discourse of Disinformation
and Märt Põder: Nietzsche's Posthumous Post-Truth Manifesto

Terms like fake news and alternative facts come from a state of paralysis in the flood of information. The proliferation of conflicting messages, the accelerated news cycle, and technologies of image and video manipulation marginalize verifiability as a criterion of truth. But even in a post-truth world we persist in the belief in our own ability to hear through the static what is really going on. When contradiction interrupts our daily broadcast we reject its sources, ignore its particulars, or troll the sender. In the process we legitimize the polarization of discourse. We do so tongue in cheek, or with fingers crossed behind our back, as if to absolve ourselves from the price. It is easier to dip back into a familiar echo chamber than to recognize the other. Can we extricate ourselves from the self-gratifying feedback loop? Where can semiotics enter into the discussion of the post-truth world?

NB! All remaining sessions for this series will be held at Genialistide Klubi

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Spring Semiosalong Series: Semiotics in a Post-Truth World

March 21st at 18.00 in Jakobi 2-336

Session 2: Ian Weatherseed: Semiotic Self-Defence For The Useful Idiot
and Ott Puumeister: Speech freed, or, Everyone Has a Right to Their Facts

Room number 336

Terms like fake news and alternative facts come from a state of paralysis in the flood of information. The proliferation of conflicting messages, the accelerated news cycle, and technologies of image and video manipulation marginalize verifiability as a criterion of truth. But even in a post-truth world we persist in the belief in our own ability to hear through the static what is really going on. When contradiction interrupts our daily broadcast we reject its sources, ignore its particulars, or troll the sender. In the process we legitimize the polarization of discourse. We do so tongue in cheek, or with fingers crossed behind our back, as if to absolve ourselves from the price. It is easier to dip back into a familiar echo chamber than to recognize the other. Can we extricate ourselves from the self-gratifying feedback loop? Where can semiotics enter into the discussion of the post-truth world?

Poster design by Mehmet Emir Uslu

Friday, March 3, 2017

Spring Semiosalong Series: Semiotics in a Post-Truth World

Session 1: March 9th at 18.00 in Jakobi 2-306
Geoffroy Pavillet: Famous Trials
and Lyudmyla Zaporozhtseva: Post-Truth and the Mythological Mind in Marketing Semiotics

Room number 306

Terms like fake news and alternative facts come from a state of paralysis in the flood of information. The proliferation of conflicting messages, the accelerated news cycle, and technologies of image and video manipulation marginalize verifiability as a criterion of truth. But even in a post-truth world we persist in the belief in our own ability to hear through the static what is really going on. When contradiction interrupts our daily broadcast we reject its sources, ignore its particulars, or troll the sender. In the process we legitimize the polarization of discourse. We do so tongue in cheek, or with fingers crossed behind our back, as if to absolve ourselves from the price. It is easier to dip back into a familiar echo chamber than to recognize the other. Can we extricate ourselves from the self-gratifying feedback loop? Where can semiotics enter into the discussion of the post truth world?

Poster design by Mehmet Emir Uslu